I had a very popular blog a few years ago called waiterextraordinaire . Starting again with a new blog with some new stuff that has taken place the last few years. No longer in the industry read on to see what I have been doing. You may find it interesting.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Why Not in North America?
A few weeks ago I was speaking of raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour. Then maybe employers would not have to compete with the CERB to get people back to work. In other words GIVE PEOPLE INCENTIVE TO WORK FOR YOU.
It shouldn't be the other way around. The employer should be giving the incentives to the employee and saying this is why you should work for me. You will work for me and be happy. I will give you full time hours and ensure that you will be able to have a work/life balance.
I will charge higher prices for our burgers but other people will be afforded a higher pay as well so they can afford to buy a burger at our premises. You will also see the gap between rich and poor become smaller.
Now I have some real life examples for you where your hard working tax dollars will be put to good use as well rather than pay Trudeau and his cronies a lot of money so they can get speaking engagements for their relatives.
My sister came and visited us one time for a few weeks from Iceland. Her vacation was paid for but you will never guess by whom? The Government! You see every Icelander gets a minimum 5 weeks vacation per year but you know how here in this low paying joke of a country we live in the employer gives us 4% vacation pay per year on our measly part time minimum wage job and when you add it up it will not even pay your electricity bill. Well this particular year when she came she arrived in July. She changed jobs in May and told her employer when her vacation time was coming up soon. Her employer said fine. Why you asked was because the government pays your vacation pay. You see everyone in Iceland is entitled to vacation and if you choose not to take it your weeks are added on to the next year. And so it goes. Meanwhile I am sure her pay was more than we had as waiters because she worked full time at no less than the above salary. Probably earned more on her vacation than most do working at crappy low paying jobs. If they can afford to go anywhere. Oh yes Iceland works on the average more hours than we do a week. Why not? I would too for a decent affordable living with holidays to boot!
Dentist are free till you are 16. Everyone belongs to a union there but unlike here my wife will tell you they actually get along. Great medical healthcare as well. You can see by the way they handled the coronavirus.
Healthcare systems are phenomenal in Europe as well. In Switzerland when I worked there I had strep throat. Everyone has a number so they see a doctor and you give them the number. You go to a pharmacy and you give them the same number. The doctor has already booked the follow up appointment with you a week later. None of this good bye and hope everything works out and give us a call if it doesn't heal properly. No money was exchanged.
Yes you pay higher taxes but look at what you get! I have seen it elsewhere but no leader here has the balls to put this forward. Employers will yell $20 an hour!! So if everyone is making a minimum of $20 what difference does it make? Yes everything will cost more but maybe then people will maybe save more rather than use their credit card to buy things they will never be able to save up to buy. Buy things they only need and if you want to make more income there is hope. Here a manager at Burger King would make less per hour overall than someone behind the cash. So what is the incentive there? Pay shit and you have no loyalty. Give part time hours you lose staff weekly. It is up to us to change our thinking. But you know we cannot do this cause it's everyone for himself. Greed here is rampant in North America. No one gives a crap for their workers because owning a business here is like buying yourself a job. Except for the Walmarts of the world who pay awful and are the cause of the problem. Most business owners cannot even pay themselves a salary. Anyway that is my rant and I am sticking to it. It is a complete joke and waste of time to bring up.
Taxes will increase substantially and the UBI will come because that is the easy thing to do. It is too late but I should have said to the wife let's move to Iceland. Hindsight is always 20/20.
Burger King,
minimum wage,
Guelph Ontario Canada
Guelph, ON, Canada
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