Wednesday, June 10, 2020

You Have 5 Years to Live

Okay I am back to where I was a couple of days ago when I was set up for an appointment with the hematologist who was going to tell me the results of my bone marrow biopsy. As mentioned I was left in suspense because the receptionist, not the doctor, just said to go see a Dr.Maceachern at Grand River Valley Hospital. Through some research on the web I discovered much to my chagrin her office was in the cancer centre so I was not hopeful it was anything but the C-Word.

I remember now on this appointment I was on my own because it was quickly made for that same  week and I said to Soley do not worry I will go as she couldn't get her shift covered. So off I went.

Waiting in her office as she was typically late for appointments I certainly was ready for anything. Finally she came in and introduced herself and we had a brief chat. She said at that time it was not cancer and continued asking me questions about how I felt and how all this started. I described the time I wasted with the other doctor in Orangeville who couldn't figure out what I had. I talked about the low white blood cell count and my close call with the low hemoglobin.

What I said was and I quote, " I think it is the spleen causing all the problems as it is enlarged and probably not doing it's job. It has to go I believe." I remember telling her that but she didn't sound too convinced.

Okay what else could it be then, I wondered? If it was not cancer that was good news I thought but tell me what it is then because she had the results of the bone marrow biopsy right there in front of her. Well after about a fifteen minute discussion she said that she was going to contact me for another appointment shortly and that I would be back to do some blood work as well as the consultation as to where we go from here.

The following week Soley and I went for the follow up. I had to do bloodwork which from then on was pretty customary. It was done about 90 minutes before the appointment with her. So I picked a number and waited to be called. When I went in for the bloodwork I saw the nurse pull out about 16 vials! I said you sure I will have any blood left?

After that we went for a coffee and a donut and sat around. We arrived for my appointment and sat and waited. She came in and after a short discussion she said the only way I can be cured a 100% was to have a bone marrow transplant or what is called a stem cell transplant. Although she said I did not have cancer this sounded like cancer to me as the only ones who get a bone marrow transplant need it because they have leukemia or some other bad blood cancer. Not me I thought.

Then she said something I will never forget. I think if you cannot get a stem cell transplant you will live for only about five years. Soley and I just looked at one another dumbfounded. This is the truth. I am not making this stuff up folks.

Soley started wondering if I should have been so nonchalant earlier on and maybe I had waited too long before getting this looked at. I said no because nothing was being done before. If it had to be a stem cell transplant so I could live longer so be it. It is not too late.

I went to work the next day telling everyone I had five years to live with what I got if I do not get a stem cell transplant.

People from this day on I will try to recount the aggravation I endured since March 2017. Everything I went through and the proverbial question I kept asking myself which was does anyone know what the hell they are doing or what I have?

More tomorrow..

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